The New Forest CofE Primary School & Nursery

Eco Council

It is a great honour to be only one of a very few schools to have been retained the Eco-Schools 'Green Flag' for 6 years. We are hugely proud of this achievement and commitment to ensuring we look after our world properly. 

Green Flag Award -2023.24 with Distinction

At The New Forest School we believe it is vital to take responsibility for our planet. Each class has two Eco Councillors who have been elected by their class.  At KS2 there is also a weekly Eco Club which is attended by the KS2 Eco Councillors and other interested children.  The Eco Club members make up the Eco Council who, led by Mrs Barnes, work throughout the year to raise awareness of their initiatives throughout the school.  The members of the Eco Committee are:

 Eco Councillor KS1    

Harvey & Connie (Yr R)
Jasmine & Joshua  (Y1)
Isaac & Eliana (Y2) 

 Eco Councillor KS2 

Jessica & Eddie (Y3)
Maisie, Matvii & Daley (Y4)
Sam & Edie (Y5)
Pippa & Joshua (Y6) 

 Eco Club KS2

Ada, Jessica & Eddie (Y3)
Mala, Matvii, Maisie & Daley (Y4)
Edie, Barnaby & Sam (Y5)
Pippa, Scarlett, Elodie & Joshua (Y6)


We follow the Eco-Schools model to ensure that standards are high and that we are covering all areas.  Below can be found the School Environmental Review, carried out by the Eco Committee in September, and their resulting Action Plan for the year.  This year's focus will be Transport, Litter and Marine; however we will continue to work in all areas of the award. 

Action Plan 2023.24

School Environmental Review


Activities that we have taken part into achieve our 'Green Flag' Status

Three Energy-Free Days

Each class across the school completed the day's work without using electrical devices such as laptops and the SmartBoard.  Lessons were adapted accordingly.  Many of the classes spent the day with the lights turned off!

Weekly Energy Spy Drop-Ins

Each week, members of our Eco Club checked the empty classrooms at random times to check that the SmartBoard and lights had been turned off.  Weekly updates were given in assembly on Friday.  By February half-term, they had awarded 140 Energy-Saver Dojo points across KS2 as a result.  Each class had consistently had the board and lights turned off for the previous two months so the Eco-Committee decided to change the checks to ensuring that each class was recycling scrap paper effectively.  Year 3 have been outstanding at remembering to send their scrap paper to Year 5 to be shredded and added to the composter.   In the last half-term, all classes were regularly remembering to send across their scrap paper for shredding; we are now able to offer shredded paper to pupils for bedding for pets.  We were also able to swap some of our spare shredded paper with the 'New Forest Veg Barn' for some bee-friendly plants for our garden.

Crisp Packet Collection

So far this year our school has collected and recycled 1653 crisp packets and soft plastic which can be recycled at larger stores.  The soft plastic has been taken to Waitrose in Romsey to be recycled.  Weekly updates are given in assembly on a Friday.

Governor Report

Scarlett and Indi from the Eco-Committee presented to a governors meeting about the work and impact of the Eco-Committee in the Autumn Term.  They produced an extremely informative presentation and spoke with confidence. 

Cedarwood Flowerbeds 

Our lovely D. of E. volunteer, Orynn, has cleared our flowerbeds in front of the Cedarwood classrooms.  Year 5 and 6 have planted wild flower seeds and bulbs in pots in response to a guided reading text as part of a Forest Friday.  Year 3 and 4 grew vegetables and herbs as part of their topic work.  We also had a community group working over a weekend to keep the flower beds clear from weeds meaning we were able to plant the flowers donated from the 'Veg Barn'.  

Hot Composter and the Parish Council

The Hot Composters donated by the parish council last year have now been built and installed in positions where the children can put in compostable waste from their breaktime snacks.  The Eco Committee wrote and presented an excellent assembly on how and why we need to use the Hot Composters to both KS1 and KS2.  All food and paper waste from both sites is now composted.  The kitchen staff have re-organised the disposal of the lunchtime waste collection to support the work of the Eco-Committee, who ensure the food waste makes it's way to the Hot Composter each day.  Paper is shredded weekly as part of the Eco-Club activities. 

Indi and Elliot attended a parish council meeting, this term, where they gave a presentation about the impact of the hot composter donation on the running of the school and the environmental awareness of the pupils.  They presented extremely well, resulting in offers of help with future schemes from Councillor Zoe Clewer and Parish Councillor Damien Swancott.

Eco-Poetry Competition

Children across the school took part in an MLP poetry-writing competition with an eco theme.  The winners were:

Year R - Toby                 Year 1 - Esme           Year 2 - Rowan

Year 3 - Katherine          Year 4 - Ailsa           Year 5 - Els             Year 6 - Larry

The winner from each class has been put forward to an MLP academy final.  

Bee Musical production

Year 3 and 4 chose a production with an ecological theme - the Bee Musical.  Performed brilliantly, it has spread the message of looking after our nectar-loving friends further in a fun and musical way.


Year 6 have undertaken Bikeability training to ensure they are safe to cycle on the roads.  They will be encouraged to cycle to school where it is safe and possible to do so,

Eco-Club Work In The Community

A group of children in Year 5 have been inspired by the Eco-Committe work to set up suggested activities for how to improve our local environment.  Please see Thomas in Y5 for further information.

Should Plastics Be Banned?

Year 5 and 6 have researched and written balanced arguments about whether plastic should be banned as part of their English curriculum.  

Walk 2 School Week

This proved to be very successful, with almost every student taking the opportunity to walk or 'Park and Stride' to school for at least part of the week.  Plans are in place to develop this further next year.

'Twenty Is Plenty' Campaign

Councillor Damien Swancott met with the Eco-Committee to plan this new campaign.  The committee have set up a competition at school to create posters encouraging drivers to travel at 20mph.  Councillor Swancott is arranging for the 4 winners to have their posters printed and displayed along North Lane and School Road.  The Eco-Committee, parents and local residents will be invited to chose the 4 winning designs - one from each class.

John Glen MP

The Eco-Committee have written to John Glen MP to explain how the introduction of a hot composter has dramatically reduced the amount of waste produced by the school.  They have asked that he looks into the hot composters being provided to other Salisbury schools to reduce the waste produced across Salisbury.