Sports Premium
We are proud to have achieved the Gold Sports Award in 2024
What is the PE and Sports Premium?
PE and Sports Premium funding is a direct result of the original London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid. The legacy of the games is to inspire young people to play more sport.
Playing sport helps to keep people healthy and is good for communities. Playing sport at school or in a local club is also the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation, and contributes to economic growth. We want to get more people playing sport safely from a young age, and help them keep playing sport throughout their life, no matter what their economic or social background. DfE
“Schools can choose how they use the funding”
Financial Year 2023/24
We intend to spend the money in the following ways:-
Sports Premium Allocation: | £17,130 |
During this academic year the Sports Premium money will be spent in a number of ways. Here are some examples:
- Hiring specialist sports coaches to work with our staff to improve their confidence in teaching gymnastics.
- Purchasing sports equipment to increase the range of sports enjoyed by pupils at the school.
- Hiring specialist sports facilities to enhance and broaden the sporting experience of our pupils eg. Nomansland Recreation Ground, Landford Village Hall
- Taking part in local sports festivals at Trafalgar, Burgate and Salisbury Secondary Schools. Competing with local schools in friendly sports fixtures.
- Maintaining the school minibuses to allow children to access local sports festivals and the taster sessions listed above. Minibuses also allow the school to access sports facilities such as gymnastics and swimming pool.
- Developing and maintaining the School’s outdoor spaces to encourage greater activity at break times after the completion of the KS2 Outdoor Classroom project.
- Embedding physical activity into the school day through active lessons and teaching during Forest Friday sessions.
- Developing Year 6 sport's leaders to run lunchtime activities for the younger children.
- Increase the number of children who walk/cycle to and from school.
- Achieve the Platinum Sports Award in 2024
The PE and sports provision will be constantly under review to make sure it is put to best use over the period of funding.
This monitoring form will be updated by the 31st July 2025 with the impact of the actions we have taken this year. There is a new digital reporting form which will be live by May 2025.
Sports Premium Funding Accounting - Final 2023.24
Below is our funding monitoring form for 2022/23