The New Forest CofE Primary School & Nursery

Nursery (Little Acorns) Mrs Puddle

All about me Let’s celebrate People who help us Healthy bodies Nature detectives The ocean
Key Texts.

Colours colours everywhere.

My very own Rainbow.

How the crayons saved the Raincow.

What is a Rainbow.

The Colour Monster.

Millie the Millipede.

Remember Remember The Fifth of November What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas: The Perfect Christmas Gift (What the Ladybird Heard, 5)

Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do A Superhero Like You

The Jolly Postman

Oliver's Fruit Salad Oliver's Vegetables Growing Good Little Sunflower (Picture Flats) Tiddler Pirates Love Underpants The Rainbow Fish Pattern Fish (Math Is Fun!)
Trips Fire station or police station. Riverbourne community farm.
Key rhymes

A lady who swallowed a fly.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

One finger, one thumb keep moving.

Dingle dangle scarecrow.

I’m a little snowman.

Christmas pudding.

Row row row your boat.

I’m a firefighter song.

A sailor went to sea.

Happy and you know it.

Miss Polly had a dolly.

Jack and Jill.

Here we go around the mulberry bush.

Mary had a little lamb.

Old McDonald had a farm.

1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish…

Animals in the ocean.

The pirate song.

Communication & Language Listen and respond to a simple instruction and enjoy listening to a range of stories. Talk about a simple story. Building vocabulary. Enjoy listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens. Developing sentence structure and length. Respond to a two-part question or instruction as a group. To develop basic conversation skills. Use a wider range of vocabulary Developing understanding of vocabulary. Develop their communication to include sentences of four to six words.

Understand simple questions.

Use talk to organise themselves and their play.

PSED Form relationships and manging emotions. Establish their sense of self, awareness of others in play and building relationships. Develop their sense of responsibility within the classroom. Develop relationships, communicate emotions. Awareness of their own needs. Developing independence, awareness of own needs. Solve conflicts. Talk about emotions. Noticing difference. Building sense of belonging to school community. Awareness of the feelings of others.
Maths: Colours, matching & sorting Number 1 & 2, subitising and patterns Numbers 3, 4, 5 & 6 subitising Height and length, mass & capacity More/Fewer, one more, one less, 2D & 3D shapes Number consumption, day & night, positional language
Understanding the World The Natural world.

People and communities.

The natural world.

Past and Present.

The natural world.

People and communities.

The natural world.

People and communities.

Past and Present.

The natural world.

Expressive Arts and Design Use senses to explore media and materials. Pretend play

Exploring paint and colour missing.

Take part in simple pretend play.

Manipulate and play with different materials. Inertially making marks. Joining different materials. Make simple models which express their ideas. Develop complex stories in play. Notice patterns. Express ideas and feelings. Engaging in complex pretend pay.
RE Key Question: What makes people special? Key Question: What is Christmas? Key Question: How do people celebrate? Key Question: What is Easter? Key Question: What can we learn from stories? Key Question: What makes places special?
















Term 6 - The Ocean

Term 5 - Nature Detectives

Term 4 - Healthy Bodies

Term 3 - People Who Help Us

Term 2 - Let's Celebrate

Term 1 - Colour me a Rainbow